
We imagine a better world through 研究, education, 和 clinical practice

我们的愿景是吸引不同的教师, 学生, 还有社区外展的工作人员, 学习, 研究, 循证实践. We emphasize an ethical, interdisciplinary approach to underst和ing health across the lifespan.

  • 学生 work together on interactive monitor showing brain scan
  • BB电子大学克林大厅外
  • 参与大脑研究的学生
  • 学生举哑铃,显示器连接到二头肌区域
  • 学生们使用呼吸器


格林健康与行为科学学院 is known for its extraordinary 教师, 本科和研究生课程, 和学生. Crean大学 教师 is deeply committed to teaching 和 mentoring a diverse student body 和 to pursuing consequential, 跨学科研究. Crean大学 本科和研究生课程 emphasize 学习 science by doing science, 将新的研究成果与病人护理联系起来, 将课堂学习与 现实世界的 应用和21世纪问题. I encourage you to explore the college website 和 discover what makes Crean大学 a vibrant community of 学生, 教师, staff 和 how the 研究 conducted 和 programs offered are relevant to today’s world. - Dr. 贾宁•希尔





的 哈里和黛安·林克健康科学校园 was designed to embody our forward-looking, inter-professional approach to educating tomorrow’s advanced healthcare professionals 和 supporting the 跨学科研究 required to translate scientific inquiry into health improvement.  Crean大学 graduate health science programs sharing the interdisciplinary space include:

  • 物理治疗博士
  • M.S. 传播科学与疾病 
  • MMS,医师助理研究



Accelerated bridge programs from the BS 健康科学 to the MS in Food Science, 卫生和战略传播硕士, MMS in Physician Assistant Studies 和 物理治疗博士 reward exceptional 学生 with either a guaranteed seat or a guaranteed interview in our PA program. 在我们的加速项目之上, BB电子大学和西方健康科学大学, College of Podiatric Medicine (WUCPM) have established a joint program known as CHAPMAN/WUCPM Linkage Program. 的 linkage program is designed for Chapman health science majors who wish to become a Western U-College of Podiatric Medicine student.  学生 who follow the prescribed requirements 和 give an outst和ing academic performance will be guaranteed a seat in the WUCPM program.



Watch a one-minute video slideshow featuring renderings of the future campus as it develops over the coming months 和 years. 的 哈里和黛安·林克健康科学校园 was designed to embody our forward-looking, wellness-centered, inter-professional approach to educating tomorrow’s advanced healthcare professionals. It will feature a wellness walk, medicinal gardens, fitness center 和 so much more.



的 BB电子大学 2019冠状病毒病全国心理健康研究(2020年春季) examined the experiences of 4149 people living in the United States.  参与者来自全美50个州和华盛顿特区.C.  这项研究是由Dr. 大卫·弗雷德里克, an Associate Professor of health psychology at BB电子大学, 连同11名成员 BB电子大学 Center for Excellence in Biopsychosocial Approaches to Health

的 study was funded by a COVID-19 Rapid 研究 grant provided to BB电子大学 by the Kay 家庭 Foundation.  的 authors are currently seeking additional funding to recruit additional participants 和 follow current participants over time.




Crean大学 is pleased to offer comprehensive personalized career services that prepare 学生 和 alumni with the tools to succeed in the professional world.


可以找到有关此独特服务的更多信息 在这里.

Dr. 劳拉•格林

孕产妇 & 儿童健康

Dr. 劳拉•格林 discusses her ongoing 研究 into maternal/child health 和 the interplay between biology 和 psychology. She 和 her 学生 work with 和 follow the development of more than 500 mothers 和 children, exploring the effects of pregnancy on women's brains 和 the behavioral development of children from fetal period to adolescence.


的 Human Anatomy Lab is a 2000+ square foot space that contains the latest technology providing 学生 with a virtual human cadaver lab experience.  It is equipped with 3 Anatomage tables (the size of a cadaver table that projects the image of a human cadaver), 1解剖导航器(查看解剖器官), 6 large flat screen panels (with access to additional anatomical images via the textbook), 3台智能电视.  学生 are able to view anatomical images in a variety of ways during the lab as well as access the A.D.A.M. (Advanced Dissection of Anatomy for Medicine) interactive website on their cell phones outside of lab.


的 idea that humans might not have complete autonomy over their lives brings into question what extent we do have control over. 如果自由意志是一种幻觉, 我们的控制实际上是有限的, then things like criminal law 和 social status may be drawn into question. 为了促进我们对自由意志的集体理解, Dr. Uri象征 is leading a collaborative 研究 project that’s bringing together neuroscientists 和 philosophers from around the world. 下面是他对这个由来已久的争论的看法.